Ex-jengipomo Keijo Vilhunen Jari Aarniosta: ”Väitän, että se on niin psykopaatti…”

Entisen Helsingin huumepoliisin päällikön Jari Aarnion huumeoikeudenkäynti on ollut kautta aikain kallein oikeudenkäynti Suomessa.

Käräjöinti on maksanut veronmaksajille jo noin 20 miljoonaa euroa. Huomionarvoista on ollut se, että kaikki päätekijät eli Jari Aarnio, Keijo Vilhunen ja Raine Sievälä ovat kiistäneet syyllisyytensä kiivaasti.


Met Police counter-terror cop, 52, is found GUILTY of trying to meet a 13-year-old girl for sex while on duty after being caught with condoms, erection pills, lubricant and Ferrero Rocher ’gift’

Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism officer has been found guilty of trying to meet a 13-year-old girl for sex while on duty.

Francois Olwage, who works as a Detective Constable for the force’s specialist operations unit, has been found guilty of three child sex offences at Winchester Crown Court today.

The 52-year-old had been accused of ’grooming’ what he believed was a teenage girl he had met online and was arrested by police at a McDonald’s in Basingstoke buying a McFlurry for her.

Officers found he was carrying condoms, erection pills, lubricant and a Ferrero Rocher ’gift’ for the young girl, his trial heard.

The court heard Olwage had been ’on duty working from home’ when he started talking to the ’girl’, who actually turned out to be an undercover police officer.
