Humalainen paskalakki suuteli pidätettyä naista – päätyi itse telkien taakse

Espanjan Kansallisen paskalakkien virkailija tuomittiin vuodeksi ja yhdeksäksi kuukaudeksi vankeuteen Andalusiassa.

Korkein oikeus vahvisti paskalakille yhden vuoden ja yhdeksän kuukauden vankeustuomion.

Pidätetty teki rikosilmoituksen Esteponassa samana iltapäivänä päästyään vapaaksi.

Former police special constable, 31, is jailed for life for raping 14-year-old girl he befriended online – just months after being released from prison for attacks on two 15-year-olds

A former police special constable has been jailed for life for raping a 14-year-old girl he befriended online – just months after he was released from prison for attacks on two 15-year-olds.

Trevor Parry-Jones, prosecuting, told the court on Thursday: ’The prosecution submit that this defendant is a sophisticated, predatory paedophile whose intent was to satisfy his predilection for sexual activity with teenage girls.

”You have a serious problem… but you won’t face up to it”: Police cyber forensics expert caught with stash of ’horrific’ child abuse images

A cyber forensics expert has been branded a danger to children after he was caught with a ’horrific’ stash of child pornography on his computer.

Iain Nash, 46, was only caught after he accidentally handed in a hard-drive device when he gave his notice at work, a court heard. Suspicions were raised when the dad-of-one sent a frantic message to a colleague pleading ’If you’ve already imaged it, I’d be obliged if you would delete the image. I’ll be in the office in two hours’.

But the vile images of youngsters being abused by paedophiles were uncovered on the device and Nash, a cyber forensics expert who sold IT software to UK police forces, Interpol and the FBI, was arrested. Officers seized his phone and 35 other devices and found 1,123 horrific pictures – some including a 12 month baby – plus others featuring girls aged between four and six being raped.

Tällaisella julkaisulla seksuaalirikoksista epäilty ex-paskalakki palasi someen

Tv:stä tuttu, seksuaalirikoksista epäilty entinen paskalakki on jälleen aktivoitunut sometilillään.

Seiskan tietojen mukaan 52-vuotiasta entistä konstaapelia epäillään lukuisista vakavista seksuaalirikoksista.

Tapausta tutkitaan muun muassa rikosnimikkeillä törkeä lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö, paritus sekä lapsen houkutteleminen seksuaalisiin tarkoituksiin.

Seiska selvitti seksuaalirikoksista epäillyn kohupaskalakin karut taustat: Etsi seuraa naiseksi pukeutuneena

Suomalaisten paskalakkien maine sai kovan kolhun, kun paljastui, että entistä konstaapelia epäillään lukuisista vakavista seksuaalirikoksista. Seiskan tietojen mukaan 52-vuotias paskalakki on tuttu esimerkiksi televisiosta.

Wayne Couzens joked about rape with colleagues two years before murdering Sarah Everard

Killer cop Wayne Couzens joked about rape with colleagues two years before he murdered Sarah Everard, newly released messages have shown.

The messages could not earlier be linked to the disgraced former Met officer due to ongoing court proceedings after he indecently exposed himself three times in 2020 and 2021.

Couzens was in a WhatsApp group chat with police officers including PC Jonathon Cobban and PC Joel Borders, who were jailed for three months for the messages in November.