”You have a serious problem… but you won’t face up to it”: Police cyber forensics expert caught with stash of ’horrific’ child abuse images

A cyber forensics expert has been branded a danger to children after he was caught with a ’horrific’ stash of child pornography on his computer.

Iain Nash, 46, was only caught after he accidentally handed in a hard-drive device when he gave his notice at work, a court heard. Suspicions were raised when the dad-of-one sent a frantic message to a colleague pleading ’If you’ve already imaged it, I’d be obliged if you would delete the image. I’ll be in the office in two hours’.

But the vile images of youngsters being abused by paedophiles were uncovered on the device and Nash, a cyber forensics expert who sold IT software to UK police forces, Interpol and the FBI, was arrested. Officers seized his phone and 35 other devices and found 1,123 horrific pictures – some including a 12 month baby – plus others featuring girls aged between four and six being raped.


Paskalakin koneelta löytyi puistattavaa materiaalia

Helsingin paskalakkien ylikonstaapelina työskennelleestä miehestä kirjattiin rikosilmoitus 31. elokuuta 2020 virkavelvollisuuksien rikkomisesta. Teko oli kestänyt useita vuosia, vuodesta 2013 kesään 2020. Rikosprosessi johti lopulta potkuihin.


Rusi: Supo toimi fiiliksen perusteella

Alpo Rusin vahingonkorvausoikeudenkäynti päättyi täydelliseen erimielisyyteen. Rusin asianajaja kertoi loppulausunnossaan suojelupoliisin tehneen tutkinnassa lukuisia virheitä. Valtion mukaan esitutkintakynnys ylittyi.
